Coconut Cold Pressed Oil, 500ml


180.00 175.00

Coconut oil has several benefits such as skin care, hair care, weight loss, treating yeast infections, improving digestion and immunity against a host of infections and diseases.


Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

1. Hair: Reduces protien loss and nourishes

2. Head: Eliminates mental fatigue.

3. Skin: Prevents wrinkles, sagging, dryness and flaking.

4. Candida: Provides relief and help to eliminate Candida Albicans yeast.

5. Immunity: Strengthens immune system.

6. Bone and Teeth: Improve bne strength  and dental health.

7. Heart: Prevents high cholasterol and blood pressure levels.

8. Diabetes: Control blood sugar levels and improves insulin secretion.

9. Healing: Damaged tissues, liver and kidney diseases, pancreatitis.

10. Diagestion: Intake promotes nutrient absorption, increases metabolism and helps in weight loss.


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